Most couples start with just two questions.

  1. Do I really need to get a videographer for my wedding?
    This may result in answers that sound like this: I’m already getting photos. With that extra money in my budget, shouldn’t I skip it and put it toward our honeymoon instead? I don’t watch the videos I take on my phone—will I watch this more than once? I’m not sure I see the value of getting a video—at least I can decorate my house with our wedding photos.
  2. Do I even want a wedding video?
    Or you’re worried about the kind of hit your body image is going to take when you watch it, or maybe you’re having a smaller wedding, and you don’t think it’ll be worth filming because so few people will be there and your answers start to look like this: I really cannot stand the way I look on camera—why do I even want this? I’m having a small, intimate wedding—I don’t need to turn it into a big production.

And that’s a good start, but it’s going to lead you to a lot of dead ends that are going to drive you a little mad.

Who’s opinion should I ask?

When You’ve Exhausted All The Possibilities You Can Think Of, Most Folks Turn To Friends And Family For Their Opinions.​

And then things get a little muddy. 

Your friends tell you not getting a wedding video was immediately their biggest regret. Others tell you that they were thrilled splurging on a photographer and skipping the whole video thing. 

Some friends tell you the opposite: they splurged on an expensive photographer and hired a videographer at the last minute. And even though it’s not the best quality, they like the video FAR more and found the photographer to be overrated.

Others tell you they hired a college kid to film the ceremony, took that money, and spent it on something else.

Gah! You end up being more confused than ever. How are you ever going to make this decision?

Ask the right questions to get the right answers

Do that and you won’t need anyone else’s opinion

All of these questions have to do with knowing yourself and what’s important to you. (None of them have anything to do with what other people think you should do.)

Not surprisingly, none of those questions have anything to do with whether or not you feel like you’re pretty enough on camera or if you should upgrade your honeymoon suite. 

Because that’s not where regret comes from, my friend. Wedding video regret comes from putting other people’s priorities before your own.

1. Will Hiring A Wedding Video Impact Your Life positively?

If the memories of family and friends are part of your core values—the answer is Yes

Your core values are your Northstar, the concepts in life that make you happy. These are the things in life that make you feel complete, regardless of all else. Big stuff, right?

If your friends and family mean everything to you and you love to look back at all the fun times you had—(family, friends, memories) those are all core values. If you choose not to have a wedding video you’re choosing not to invest in your core values. That WILL impact your life. There’s no question about it.

2. What does your gut tell you?

Forget What Your Head Is Saying About Wedding Videography. What’s Your Gut Telling You?​

Sometimes your head is just too much, and it gets in the way of what you REALLY want. I know mine does.

Ever get a gut feeling about something? That’s your intuition; it lives in the pit of your stomach. You need to pay attention to that gut feeling when it comes around because that feeling is your intuition’s way of trying to get your attention. (Ignore it enough times, and it becomes an ulcer.)

How many times have you walked into a situation and said, “OMG, I should have known better.” You did; you just didn’t listen to your body.

So how do you know when it’s time to listen to your intuition? Your intuition refuses to be ignored, and so, very helpfully, it gives you plenty of reminders. It’s unrelenting, bordering on nagging. If you keep ignoring it, it sends bigger and bigger signals.

When it comes to considering a wedding videographer, your intuition can be recognized by the sinking feeling that you’re going to miss a log of things you really want to have seen. It’s not a question; it’s a genuine feeling. Almost like you know it’s going to happen despite what anyone else is telling you. That’s your body telling you, “Hey, friend, I have an answer for you!”

But what if it’s just FOMO and I regret spending thousands of dollars?

I totally get that question. Wedding videography is NOT inexpensive. The single resource in our lives that we can never EVER replenish is time. 

You can never get time back. Of course, you have a fear of missing out. You’d be missing out on the time you had. It’s not FOMO as in “do I want it just because everyone else has it and I’m unsure.”

When you’re 70, do you really think you’ll have regretted spending $5000 on videographer 45 years ago?

#3. Why Are You Saying Yes (Or No) To Hiring A Wedding Videographer?​

How are you calculating the value you get back from your wedding film?

Some people will calculate their value of getting a wedding videographer on whether or not they’ll watch their wedding film enough to make the investment worth it. 

But this isn’t really what it’s about (not for you or for anyone else).

The majority of the services at your wedding are short-term things that you only experience ONE TIME.

You’re probably not wondering if your cake is worth it because you can only eat it once (and you don’t even get to eat all of it). Or if the band is worth getting because they only play at your wedding once (they don’t even play for the ENTIRE wedding, just a couple hours). Or the open bar, the food, the upgraded bonfire with S’mores bar… you see where I’m going with this.

So what’s it really about, then? It’s about your biggest priorities.

Your answer to what your priorities are isn’t right or wrong because these are your core values.

And when you make a decision for yourself based on your core values, you’re making the authentic choice for you.

What was my #1 priority in our wedding budget? Cake (naturally). There was no way I was getting anything other than a wedding cake from Wojtczak’s Bakery. Which was our family’s wedding cake baker for 4 generations. (Technically we eloped but we also had a separate wedding reception for my family back in Rochester, NY.)

To me, it wasn’t a wedding, couldn’t BE a wedding without a cake from Wojtczak’s. I would have moved heaven and earth to have that cake. 

#4. What Will You Get BACK From Investing In A Wedding Videographer?

Besides just a stroll down memory lane, What else does this give you?

Think about what this videographer might do for you besides just a stroll down memory lane (which is wonderful on its own but it does have other uses).

It can help you and your beloved remember how deep your love is for one another (especially after big fights). The shiny newness of marriage wears off over time and it’s important to remember how intensely it started so you can keep that alive.

Your wedding highlight trailer can be an instant pick-me-up on craptacular days. Short, sweet, and it lives online so your phone can access it in an instant. 

It’s a digital time machine.

Years will march on. Five, ten, twenty years from now you’ll be different people.

You’ll look different, sound different, and chances are you’ll hurt your back just by waking up. Wedding videos are a wonderful reminder (and proof) of how young you once were (and also how limber you were).

If you’re planning on having children, this is going to become one of their favorite movies of all time.

It’s an amazing bonding experience for kids to see their parents as regular human beings instead of their parental overlords.

And finally, it’s the perfect reminder of family and friends who are no longer with you. 

A wedding film brings them back into your life for a tiny bit, their laughter, joy, and hearing them tell you they love you—as someone who has recently lost her mother, that’s damn priceless. You don’t think about that when everyone is in their prime.

Fifteen years or so after getting married, I’d give anything to hear my mom tell me she loved me again. And believe me when I tell you that, when I got married at 25, I KNEW EVERYTHING I could possibly ever want from then until forever. End of story.

So what might seem like an insane investment to you now—trust me… it’s an investment and its value continues to make gains as it ages.

It can be so many things besides just a wedding video. Who knew?

#5. Are You Choosing The Videographer That Makes You Happy?

Are you making the choice you want or a choice that makes someone else happy?

We’ve decided to please our parents, concede to our beloved, say ‘yes’ to events we don’t want to go to so we don’t disappoint friends—all because we think it will make life easier when we don’t fight for what we really want.

And what does this look like for a wedding video? It could be that you desperately want to make good budget choices because you want to show your parents how responsible you are. It might also show up as curbing your enthusiasm because your fiancé feels like you’ve got some raging FOMO going on and you want to show them that you don’t need a wedding video because your friends got one.

It seems like avoiding disappointing others at all costs is the kind and pragmatic thing to do.

But constantly appeasing others ends up as a burden and you being unkind to yourself. 

Making decisions to make other people happy or because you’re afraid of hurting someone’s feelings is a fast road to resentment. That will build up inside of you so fast. Hello, Toxic City. Not to mention, counterproductive. It’s inauthentic to you and your people, making a healthy relationship almost impossible to pull off.

Imagine what you would do if no one ever found out what decision you made. If your decision would hurt no feelings—would you get a wedding videographer—and which one would you get?

Avoid Future Regrets about Wedding Videography

Don’t put off hiring a videographer until the last minute

I know it can overwhelming to thinking about getting a wedding film. And it’s also tempting to put it off until the very last minute because of wedding planning stress.

Putting off the decision doesn’t make it less stressful…

Putting of your decision can really backfire on you, making your stress so much worse, just closer to your wedding date.

Wedding decision fatigue is real

I know it’s tempting to ask everyone you’ve ever known if getting a wedding videographer is worth the investment. But the only person with the right answer is you.

After asking yourself these questions, you should know if you should hire a wedding videographer. Then you just have to go out and get it done!

Hi, I'm Cindy.

As wedding videographers, we specialize in filming the heartfelt moments of best friends in love who cherish their memories with friends and family; and can't wait to relive their day through a wedding film.

Our philosophy? Every story is unique and all love is beautiful. We excel at making even the most camera-shy couples feel at ease, ensuring our films reflect the genuine honesty, strength, and real moments of your wedding weekend.

Our films are more than memories; they're a legacy of love, alive and vibrant, providing a timeless narrative of your special weekend. Let us help your story live on.

For 18 years, we've been capturing love stories on Cape Cod, Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard and along the East Coast. 

For 18 years, my husband and I have been capturing love stories on Cape Cod, Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard and along the East Coast.